EZ-BILD Sukkah

A minimally handy person can build this sukkah in ~ 1.5 hours with a power screwdriver, a saw, a tape measure, and at key moments, an extra set of hands.  The cost will be ~ $125 without the wall covering material.  Materials required: 36 - 1 x 4 x 8', 3 - 2 x 4 x 8', 4 - 2 x 4 joist hangers, 1 - box 1 1/4" sheetrock screws, 2 - 6' x 16' reed mats.  Lattice sheets shown above and below cost ~ $20 per 4' x 8' panel.  (return to pictorial sukkah article)

This is how everything should look before the walls or schach are added to the structure.  The extra cutoffs (splice blocks) can be used in the four corners to facilitate the connection between adjacent panels which meet at right angles.  Note, all "sides" should be arranged so that the vertical and diagonal members of the frame are on the outside of the sukkah, and the horizontal members of the frame face the inside of the sukkah.